* Apply Wheat Eye Basics all over the lid
* Smooth Gemstone Mineral Eye Powder from lash line to brow line
* Lightly apply Crystalline Mineral Eye Powder on the lid and blend well
* Smudge Steel Shining Mineral Eye Powder starting at the lash line and smoke upwards on the lid
* Press Steel Shining Mineral Eye Powder at the lower lash line
* Work Black Ebony Eye Liner into the roots of the lashes
* Apply Black Thickening & Building Mascara
* Line the lips with Natural Lips Lip Pencil
* Finish lips with Tea Rose Lip Colour - Creme
* Warm the apples of the cheeks with Amberstone Mineral Cheek Powder
Create a full Mineral look with the Mineral Primer, two new shades of Mineral Powder SPF 15 and Mineral Finishing Powder.